5 Benefits of Installing Turf in Your Home’s Backyard

Victor Arvizo • Apr 10, 2023

Artificial turf is often misunderstood in the landscaping world. Reasonably so, a lot of people tend to wonder why they should rip up all their naturally growing grass just to lay down a synthetic solution. If the turf is just trying to look like grass, what was the point?

Well, there are actually a lot of benefits to artificial backyard turf. Especially in a state like Arizona.

Today, we want to go over 5 of the reasons you might want to reconsider everything you think you know about artificial turf. Read on to discover the 5 benefits of installing turf and turn your backyard into a safe, lush oasis.

1: No Maintenance

First and foremost, this is a benefit that everyone will greatly appreciate. Since a turf lawn isn’t natural, you don’t need to worry about it growing. With that, you can completely write off all that time-consuming lawn work you normally have to do.

When you have the artificial turf installed, it maintains its appearance for the duration of its lifespan as long as you don’t do anything to destroy it.

You can save a lot of time by not having to mow the lawn, water it, or worry about picking weeds and fighting against overgrowth in problem areas. You no longer have to waste your precious time handling these mundane tasks.

This doesn’t just save you time, though. You also save money on resources or hire someone to carry out the maintenance tasks for you.

Obviously, it costs money to fuel a lawnmower or run a sprinkler. So, by turning those things off, you get consistent savings. This is especially true if you were paying someone else to handle those tasks for you.

2: Resilient

This is one of the best benefits of installing turf specifically in your backyard. 

For the average person, the backyard is a safe haven and gathering point. It’s where you have your family barbeques, trust your younger children to play safely without you constantly having to remain vigilant, enjoy your summer bonfires, and more. As such, it sees a lot more foot traffic than your front yard in most cases, and the foot traffic tends to be a bit more destructive; especially when you have kids who are running, jumping, and digging their heels into it.

There’s a reason artificial turf is used on professional football fields. It’s durable. You can enjoy that same benefit in your backyard.

With natural grass, all that intense foot traffic kills the grass and leaves you with yellow paths and patches, and holes form when kids are rough on it and kick up piles of dirt while they play.

Turf doesn’t do any of that. You obviously can't kill it because it’s synthetic in the first place, and it’s designed to take a real beating before it shows wear; let alone normal use.

You’ll enjoy a great-looking lawn in your backyard regardless of how much foot traffic it sees.

3: Year-Round Lawn

With natural grass, you have a major problem every year. In Arizona, it’s a little bit less of a problem, but during the cooler months, or during droughts, you go from having a luscious green lawn that is the envy of all your neighbors, to having a big patch of brown to walk around on.

This is visually upsetting, and it causes other problems like increased dust in the area because there isn’t anything keeping the dried-up dirt from getting blown all over the place.

With turf, you don’t have to worry about that at all.

Your lawn will look stunningly green in the best months, and even if there is a freak snowstorm that hits once in a lifetime and wipes out every natural lawn in the state, you’ll still have a beautiful green lawn the second the snow melts.

Obviously, snow isn’t a real concern in Arizona, but you get our point. A synthetic lawn doesn’t change with the seasons. It’s consistently the best it can be.

Benefits of installing turf: Modern house with a pool and artificial turf

4: No Sun Damage

In the past, sun damage could be an issue with turf, and that idea still affects some people’s purchasing decisions. Especially in an area that gets so much intense sunlight like Arizona. Since artificial turf is synthetic and made of plastic, UV rays used to break it down rather quickly, and you’d end up with an odd, melted-looking lawn after a while.

That’s not the case now.

Modern turf from Arvizo Turf and Pavers is designed to resist UV rays and heat to ensure that your lawn can stand up to the Arizona sunshine.

In fact, it does so better than natural grass, now. Too much sun can kill the average Arizona lawn or force you to spend tons of money constantly watering it to prevent that.

A turf lawn, made with modern materials, doesn’t have that problem.

5: Safety

As we said earlier, you rely on your backyard as a safe place for your children. If you’re into backyard activities, you rely on it to be a safe place for yourself, too.

Your kids are running, jumping, and generally blowing off all their extra energy with a fair amount of reckless abandon. When they do that, the uneven, rocky, matted surface of a natural lawn can produce a considerable hazard. Your child can easily stumble over a rough patch, break their wrist, or fall into something dangerous such as their play set or outdoor cooking equipment.

An artificial turf lawn is leveled and installed on a perfectly flat surface. The turf itself is cushioned, and it provides a substantial grip.

This means that your children (or even yourself) are less likely to trip and fall while enjoying themselves in their backyard.

This is probably one of the most important benefits of installing turf because while the appearance of your lawn and its maintenance requirements are great marketing points, nothing is more important than giving your loved ones a safe place to enjoy themselves.

Benefits of installing turf: Feet of a baby on a green artificial turf

Contact Arvizo Turf and Pavers

If you are ready to make the switch to turf for all these benefits and more, contact Arvizo Turf and Pavers. We offer the best turf installation services available in Arizona, and we pride ourselves in delivering top-quality turf that is long-lasting and sustainable. 

Our team of experts in landscaping services can create and implement the ideal outdoor scenery to complement your new turf, resulting in a stunning and relaxing oasis that you can appreciate for years to come.

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